Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR is a company's commitment to operate in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner. It is a continuing commitment by business to perform ethically and contribute to economic development while sustainable growth for the society at large. Essentially, CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision making and its impact is measured. CSR extends beyond philanthropic activity and entails the company to act beyond statutory requirements and to integrate social, environmental and ethical concerns into the company's vision and mission.
CSR Initiatives:
- Construction of Hospital at Khamla Village.
- Cleaning of existing DAM at Khamla Village.
- Construction of Cremation Shed at Khamla, Derpani & Dhar Villages.
- Construction of Check dam at Derpani & Dhar Villages.
- Supply of Machinery and tools to constructed the check dam in Bothiya village with direct villager's supervision.
- Supply of Construction material for Hanuman temple at Derpani Villagers.
- Financially support villagers for construction of Shiv Temple at Meghna Daha Village.
- Created local employment opportunity for skilled and non skilled manpower as per Company's requirement.
- Supported local farmers to constructed 45 Nos open well to develop the agriculture in Dhar, Derpani and Khamla Panchayats.